Easy to go rapidM2M UPLINK processor
activate debug outputs of uplink library
global options
Selectable uplink interfaces
get currently used uplink interface
Switches the uplink interface to the transferred interface and applies the last known configuration
Sets backup interface to automatically switch to, in case sync with current interface fails. Return to original interface has to be done in application code.
Sets WIFI interface configuration without switching to interface
Sets LAN interface configuration without switching to interface
Switches the uplink interface to mobile network modem
Switches the uplink interface to WIFI and optionally sets the WIFI configuration
Switches the uplink interface to LAN and optionally sets the LAN configuration
starts fully automatic uplink control:
get and/or change operation mode of uplink
trigger immediate sync with backend
dump any changes of uplink status/RSSI/interface to console and return uplink status
Returns the state of the SIM chip
get description of error code
uplink events
uplink lib signals some important event