LIS3DSH - three-axis accelerometer


Library for interfacing STMicroelectronics LIS3DSH three-axis accelerometer.
The LIS3DSH is an ultra-low-power high- performance three-axis linear accelerometer with an embedded state machine that can be programmed to implement autonomous applications.

  • SPI interface with communication speed up to 10 MHz
  • I2C interface with communication speed up to 400 kHz
  • Programmable embedded state machines


This library can be used to handle STMicroelectronics LIS3DSH three-axis accelerometers.

  • 1x SPI or 1x I2C
  • 1x GPIO (Only when using the SPI interface)

  • The LIS3DSH is an ultra-low-power high- performance three-axis linear accelerometer with an embedded state machine that can be programmed to implement autonomous applications.
  • SPI interface with communication speed up to 10 MHz
  • I2C interface with communication speed up to 400 kHz
  • Programmable embedded state machines
  • LIS3DSH_How_to_use_SPI_mode:
    /* Hardware setup */ const { PORT_SPI = 0, // The first SPI interface should be used. PIN_CS = 0, // The first GPIO should be used for the CS signal } /* Handles for available sensors */ new hACC[TLIS3DSH_Handle]; // Handle to manage the TLIS3DSH /* 1 sec. timer is used for the general program sequence */ #callback MainTimer() { new iX, iY, iZ; // g-forces read from the LIS3DSH // Reads the g-forces [mg] for all 3 axes from the LIS3DSH catch( LIS3DSH_ReadMeasurement(hACC, iX, iY, iZ) ); // Issues g-forces [mg] for all 3 axes via the watch panel #watch("g-forces=x: %.3fg, y: %.3fg, z: %.3fg", iX/1000.0, iY/1000.0, iZ/1000.0); } main() { // inits the SPI interface catch(rM2M_SpiInit(PORT_SPI, LIS3DSH_SPICLK, LIS3DSH_SPIMODE)); // Initializes SPI communication with the LIS3DSH and prepares the LIS3DSH for use catch (LIS3DSH_Init(hACC, PIN_CS, PORT_SPI)); // Activates the LIS3DSH using the following configuration: // Set output data rate (ODR) to 6.25 Hz (Power-On default = "Power Down") // Output registers not updated until MSB and LSB have been read (Power-On default = continuous update) // Enables X, Y, Z axes (Power-On default) new config = LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_6_25HZ | LIS3DSH_CTRL4_BDU | LIS3DSH_CTRL4_XYZ_EN; catch(LIS3DSH_Enable(hACC, config)); // Initialisation of a cyclic sec. timer setInterval(MainTimer, 1000); }
    /* Hardware setup */ const { PORT_I2C = 0, // The first I2C interface should be used. CHIP_ADDR = LIS3DSH_I2C_ADR0, // I2C Address of the chip // (depends on the logic level at the chip's SEL/SDO pin) } /* Handles for available sensors */ new hACC[TLIS3DSH_Handle]; // Handle to manage the TLIS3DSH /* 1 sec. timer is used for the general program sequence */ #callback MainTimer() { new iX, iY, iZ; // g-forces read from the LIS3DSH // Reads the g-forces [mg] for all 3 axes from the LIS3DSH catch( LIS3DSH_ReadMeasurement(hACC, iX, iY, iZ) ); // Issues g-forces [mg] for all 3 axes via the watch panel #watch("g-forces=x: %.3fg, y: %.3fg, z: %.3fg", iX/1000.0, iY/1000.0, iZ/1000.0); } main() { // Inits the I2C interface catch( rM2M_I2cInit( PORT_I2C, LIS3DSH_I2C_CLOCK , 0)); // Initializes I2C communication with the LIS3DSH and prepares the LIS3DSH for use catch (LIS3DSH_Init(hACC, _ , PORT_I2C, CHIP_ADDR )); // Activates the LIS3DSH using the following configuration: // Set output data rate (ODR) to 6.25 Hz (Power-On default = "Power Down") // Output registers not updated until MSB and LSB have been read (Power-On default = continuous update) // Enables X, Y, Z axes (Power-On default) new config = LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_6_25HZ | LIS3DSH_CTRL4_BDU | LIS3DSH_CTRL4_XYZ_EN; catch(LIS3DSH_Enable(hACC, config)); // Initialisation of a cyclic sec. timer setInterval(MainTimer, 1000); }



    typical SPI clock speed to be used


    typical I2C clock speed to be used (400kHz, I2C Fast-Mode)


    configuration of clock polarity and clock phase for the LIS3DSH


    Available LIS3DSH I2C addresses

    LIS3DSH_I2C_ADR0 - Must be used if SEL/SDO Pin of the LIS3DSH is connected to the voltage supply
    LIS3DSH_I2C_ADR1 - Must be used if SEL/SDO pin of the LIS3DSH is connected to ground

    CTRL4 configuration bits

    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_x - bit 4-7: Output data rate and power mode selection
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_BDU - bit3: Block data update
    0 - Continuous update (default)
    1 - Output registers not updated until MSB and LSB have been read which avoids reading values related to different sample times.
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_XYZ_EN - bit0-2: Enables all three axis (default)
    To activate the axes individually, use the following definitions:
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_Z_EN - bit2: Z-axis enable
    0 - Z-axis disabled
    1 - Z-axis enabled (default)
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_Y_EN - bit1: Y-axis enable
    0 - Y-axis disabled
    1 - Y-axis enabled (default)
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_X_EN - bit0: X-axis enable
    0 - X-axis disabled
    1 - X-axis enabled (default)

    Output data rate and power mode selection (CTRL4, bit 4-7)

    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_POWER_DOWN - (0 << 4): Power down (default)
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_3_125HZ - (1 << 4): 3.125 Hz
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_6_25HZ - (2 << 4): 6.25 Hz
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_12_5HZ - (3 << 4): 12.5 Hz
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_25HZ - (4 << 4): 25 Hz
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_50HZ - (5 << 4): 50 Hz
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_100HZ - (6 << 4): 100 Hz
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_400HZ - (7 << 4): 400 Hz
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_800HZ - (8 << 4): 800 Hz
    LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_1600HZ - (9 << 4): 1600 Hz
    LIS3DSH_Init(handle[TLIS3DSH_Handle], cs=-1, port, addr=-1)

    Initializes communication with the LIS3DSH and prepares the LIS3DSH for use

    In SPI mode (cs >= 0, addr =-1) first of all the used CS pin is configured as output and set to high so no data transfer takes place at the beginning. After that, regardless of the mode (SPI or I2C), the device ID is read out. If the ID register check succeeds, the two read-only information registers are read out. If they are also correct (no error is returned), the ADD_INC bit in control register 6 is set so that the address used to read/write data is increased at every block. Moreover, the two state machines are disabled.

    handle : TLIS3DSH_Handle - Empty device handle for a TLIS3DSH
    cs : s32 - Pin used for the CS signal
    -1 - I2C mode enabeld
    >= 0 - Pin used for the CS signal (Only GPIO pins are supported, starting with 0 for the first GPIO of the device)
    port : s32 - interface (SPI or I2C) where LIS3DSH is connected to
    The interface must be initialisation before using rM2M_SpiInit() or rM2M_I2cInit().
    addr : s32 - I2C Address of the chip
    -1 - SPI mode enabeld
    >= 0 - I2C Address of the chip (Use only the addresses specified under LIS3DSH_I2C_ADRx)
    returns : s32
    OK - if successful
    ERROR - if one of the following errors occurs
  • Interface selection (SPI or IC) is not clear
  • Found chip not supported by the library
  • Content of the two information registers is invalid
  • < OK - if another error occurs
    LIS3DSH_Enable(handle[TLIS3DSH_Handle], ctrl4 = LIS3DSH_CTRL4_ODR_6_25HZ | LIS3DSH_CTRL4_BDU | LIS3DSH_CTRL4_XYZ_EN )

    Activates the LIS3DSH by setting the "CTRL4" register

    handle : TLIS3DSH_Handle - Device handle of a specific LIS3DSH (Initialized by LIS3DSH_Init() )
    ctrl4 : s32 - Control register 4 configuration (Output data rate / Block data update / Axis enable)
    Use LIS3DSH_CTRL4_x configuration bits
    returns : s32
    OK - if successful
    ERROR - If an error occurs
    LIS3DSH_ReadMeasurement(handle[TLIS3DSH_Handle], &x, &y, &z)

    Reads acceleration data in mg from the LIS3DSH

    handle : TLIS3DSH_Handle - Device handle of a specific LIS3DSH (Initialized by LIS3DSH_Init() )
    x : s32 - Buffer for storing the X-axis value [mg], unchanged if result < OK
    y : s32 - Buffer for storing the Y-axis value [mg], unchanged if result < OK
    z : s32 - Buffer for storing the Z-axis value [mg], unchanged if result < OK
    returns : s32
    OK - if successful
    ERROR - Unexpected full-scale selection stored in controll register 5
    < OK - if another error occurs

    Sets the LIS3DSH into power-down mode (i.e. no data sampling is performed) and thus grants minimum power consumption

    When accessing the CTRL4 register, only the ODR bits are set to "Power-down". All other bits of the CTRL4 register remain unchanged.

    handle : TLIS3DSH_Handle - Device handle of a specific LIS3DSH (Initialized by LIS3DSH_Init() )
    returns : s32
    OK - if successful
    ERROR - if one of the following errors occurs
  • Current contents of Control Register 4 could not be read
  • Control Register 4 could not be written


    absolute maximum SPI clock speed (10MHz)


    absolute maximum I2C clock speed


    Available register (Address | R/W | Default | Description)

    LIS3DSH_REG_OUT_T - 0x0C | R | --- |
    8-bit temperature output register. The resolution is 1 LSB/deg and 00h corresponds to 25 degrees Celsius.
    LIS3DSH_REG_INFO1 - 0x0D | R | 0x21 |
    Information Register 1. Its value is fixed at 0x21.
    LIS3DSH_REG_INFO2 - 0x0E | R | 0x00 |
    Information Register 2. Its value is fixed at 0x00.
    LIS3DSH_REG_WHO_AM_I - 0x0F | R | 0x3F |
    Device identification register.
    LIS3DSH_REG_OFF_X - 0x10 | R/W | 0x00 |
    X-axis offset compensation register
    Output(axis) = Measurement(axis) - OFFSET(axis) * 32
    Thus, the offset on each axis can be compensated from -4095 to 4096 LSB, with steps of 32 LSB.
    LIS3DSH_REG_OFF_Y - 0x11 | R/W | 0x00 |
    Y-axis offset compensation register (see LIS3DSH_REG_OFF_X for details)
    LIS3DSH_REG_OFF_Z - 0x12 | R/W | 0x00 |
    Z-axis offset compensation register (see LIS3DSH_REG_OFF_X for details)
    LIS3DSH_REG_CS_X - 0x13 | R/W | 0x00 |
    X-axis Constant Shift Register. This value acts as a temporary offset in DIFF-Mode for state machine 2 only
    LIS3DSH_REG_CS_Y - 0x14 | R/W | 0x00 |
    Y-axis Constant Shift Register. This value acts as a temporary offset in DIFF-Mode for state machine 2 only
    LIS3DSH_REG_CS_Z - 0x15 | R/W | 0x00 |
    Z-axis Constant Shift Register. This value acts as a temporary offset in DIFF-Mode for state machine 2 only
    LIS3DSH_REG_LC - 0x16 | R/W | 0x0001 |
    16-bit long-counter register for interrupt state machine program timing.
  • -1: Not valid value, counting stopped
  • 0: Counter full: interrupt available and counter is set to default
  • > 0: counting
  • LIS3DSH_REG_STAT - 0x18 | R | 0x00 |
    Interrupt status - interrupt synchronization register (See LIS3DSH_REG_STAT_x).
    LIS3DSH_REG_PEAK1 - 0x19 | R | 0x00 |
    Peak value for state machine 1. It stores the highest absolute peak value detected. The peak value is reset when the REL state machine command occurs or a new initial start occurs.
    LIS3DSH_REG_PEAK2 - 0x1A | R | 0x00 |
    Peak value for state machine 2. (see LIS3DSH_REG_PEAK1 for details)
    LIS3DSH_REG_VFC_1 - 0x1B | R/W | 0x00 |
    Vector filter coefficients 1 register for diff. filter.

    The vector filter is a 7th-order anti-symmetric FIR filter. The 8 taps have a 4x2 structure:

    VFC_1, VFC_2, VFC_3, VFC_4 and -VFC_1, -VFC_2, -VFC_3, -VFC_4.

    The vector filter can be enabled or disabled by the VFILT bit in the CTRL3 register.
    LIS3DSH_REG_VFC_2 - 0x1C | R/W | 0x00 |
    Vector filter coefficients 2 register for diff. filter (see LIS3DSH_REG_VFC_1 for details)
    LIS3DSH_REG_VFC_3 - 0x1D | R/W | 0x00 |
    Vector filter coefficients 3 register for diff. filter (see LIS3DSH_REG_VFC_1 for details)
    LIS3DSH_REG_VFC_4 - 0x1E | R/W | 0x00 |
    Vector filter coefficients 4 register for diff. filter (see LIS3DSH_REG_VFC_1 for details)
    LIS3DSH_REG_THRS3 - 0x1F | R/W | 0x00 |
    Common threshold for overrun detection. The value is always unsigned (ABS) regardless of the ABS settings in the LIS3DSH_REG_SETT1/LIS3DSH_REG_SETT2 registers. So, the THRS3 value is symmetric to the zero level. When the acceleration of any axis exceeds the THRS3 limit, the state machines are reset (program pointer address = reset pointer address). The reset of the state machines is enabled through the THR3_xA bits in the LIS3DSH_REG_SETT1/LIS3DSH_REG_SETT2 registers.
    LIS3DSH_REG_CTRL4 - 0x20 | R/W | 0x07 |
    Control Register 4 (use LIS3DSH_Enable(), see also LIS3DSH_CTRL4_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_CTRL1 - 0x21 | R/W | 0x00 |
    Control Register 1 (State machine 1 interrupt configuration register, see LIS3DSH_CTRL1_x )
    LIS3DSH_REG_CTRL2 - 0x22 | R/W | 0x00 |
    Control Register 2 (State machine 2 interrupt configuration register, see LIS3DSH_CTRL2_x )
    LIS3DSH_REG_CTRL3 - 0x23 | R/W | 0x00 |
    Control Register 3 (see LIS3DSH_CTRL3_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_CTRL5 - 0x24 | R/W | 0x00 |
    Control Register 5 (see LIS3DSH_CTRL5_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_CTRL6 - 0x25 | R/W | 0x10 |
    Control Register 6 (see LIS3DSH_CTRL6_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_STATUS - 0x27 | R | 0x00 |
    Status data register (see LIS3DSH_REG_STATUS_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUT_X - 0x28 | R | --- |
    X-axis acceleration data (16-bit, use LIS3DSH_ReadMeasurement())
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUT_Y - 0x2A | R | --- |
    Y-axis acceleration data (16-bit, use LIS3DSH_ReadMeasurement())
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUT_Z - 0x2C | R | --- |
    Z-axis acceleration data (16-bit, use LIS3DSH_ReadMeasurement())
    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_CTRL - 0x2E | R/W | 0x00 |
    FIFO control register (see LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_CTRL_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_SRC - 0x2F | R | --- |
    FIFO SRC control register (see LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_SRC_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_ST1_X - 0x40 - 0x4F | W | --- |
    State machine 1 code register

    State machine 1 system register is made up of 16, 8-bit registers to implement 16-step op-code (Use LIS3DSH_LoadStateMachine()).

    LIS3DSH_REG_TIM4_1 - 0x50 | W | 0x00 |
    8-bit unsigned initial value "TIM4_1" for Timer Counter 1 (TC1)
    LIS3DSH_REG_TIM3_1 - 0x51 | W | 0x00 |
    8-bit unsigned initial value "TIM3_1" for Timer Counter 1 (TC1)
    LIS3DSH_REG_TIM2_1 - 0x52 | W | 0x0000 |
    16-bit unsigned initial value "TIM2_1" for Timer Counter 1 (TC1)
    LIS3DSH_REG_TIM1_1 - 0x54 | W | 0x000 |
    16-bit unsigned initial value "TIM1_1" for Timer Counter 1 (TC1)
    LIS3DSH_REG_THRS2_1 - 0x56 | W | 0x00 |
    Threshold value 1 for state machine 1 conditions.
    LIS3DSH_REG_THRS1_1 - 0x57 | W | 0x00 |
    Threshold value 2 for state machine 1 conditions.
    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK1_B - 0x59 | W | --- |
    Axis and sign mask (swap) for state machine 1 motion-detection operations (see LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK1_A - 0x5A | W | --- |
    Axis and sign mask (swap) for state machine 1 motion-detection operations (see LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_SETT1 - 0x5B | W | 0x00 |
    Setting of threshold, peak detection, and flags for state machine 1 motion-detection operations (see LIS3DSH_REG_SETT_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_PR1 - 0x5C | R | --- |
    Program and reset pointers for State Machine 1 (see LIS3DSH_REG_PR_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_TC1 - 0x5D | R | 0x0000 |
    16-bit general timer counter for State Machine 1. Registers TIM1_1 (54h-55h), TIM2_1 (52h-53h), TIM3_1 (51h), and TIM4_1 (50h) define the initial value of the Timer Counter 1.
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS1 - 0x5F | R | --- |
    Output flags on axis for State Machine 1 management. Reading this register affects the interrupt release function.After reading OUTS1, the value is set to default (00h). See LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS_x
    LIS3DSH_REG_ST2_X - 0x60 - 0x6F | W | --- |
    State machine 2 code register

    State machine 2 system register is made up of 16, 8-bit registers to implement 16-step op-code (Use LIS3DSH_LoadStateMachine()).

    LIS3DSH_REG_TIM4_2 - 0x70 | W | 0x00 |
    8-bit unsigned initial value "TIM4_2" for Timer Counter 2 (TC2)
    LIS3DSH_REG_TIM3_2 - 0x71 | W | 0x00 |
    8-bit unsigned initial value "TIM3_2" for Timer Counter 2 (TC2)
    LIS3DSH_REG_TIM2_2 - 0x72 | W | 0x0000 |
    16-bit unsigned initial value "TIM2_2" for Timer Counter 2 (TC2)
    LIS3DSH_REG_TIM1_2 - 0x74 | W | 0x0000 |
    16-bit unsigned initial value "TIM1_2" for Timer Counter 2 (TC2)
    LIS3DSH_REG_THRS2_2 - 0x76 | W | 0x00 |
    Threshold value 1 for state machine 2 conditions.
    LIS3DSH_REG_THRS1_2 - 0x77 | W | 0x00 |
    Threshold value 2 for state machine 2 conditions.
    LIS3DSH_REG_DES2 - 0x78 | w | 0x00 |
    Decimation counter value for State Machine 2
    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK2_B - 0x79 | W | --- |
    Axis and sign mask (swap) for state machine 2 motion-detection operations (see LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK2_A - 0x7A | W | 0x |
    Axis and sign mask (swap) for state machine 2 motion-detection operations (see LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_SETT2 - 0x7B | W | --- |
    Setting of threshold, peak detection, and flags for state machine 2 motion-detection operations (see LIS3DSH_REG_SETT_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_PR2 - 0x7C | R | 0x |
    Program and reset pointers for State Machine 2 (see LIS3DSH_REG_PR_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_TC2 - 0x7D | R | 0x0000 |
    16-bit general timer counter for State Machine 12. Registers TIM1_2 (74h-75h), TIM2_2 (72h-73h), TIM3_2 (71h), and TIM4_2 (70h) define the initial value of the Timer Counter 2.
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS2 - 0x7F | R | --- |
    Output flags on axis for State Machine 2 management. Reading this register affects the interrupt release function.After reading OUTS2, the value is set to default (00h). See LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS_x

    Interrupt status - interrupt synchronization register bits

    LIS3DSH_REG_STAT_LONG - bit7: Interrupt flag to indicate that the long counter has expired.
    0 - No interrupt
    1 - Long counter interrupt flag.
    Common to both state machines. LONG flag is reset to default value by reading the LC registers (LIS3DSH_REG_LC).
    LIS3DSH_REG_STAT_SYNCW - bit6: Common information for OUTW (“output command and acknowledge from host” state machine command). Waiting on action from host.
    0 - No action waiting from host
    1 - Host action is waiting after OUTW command
    This bit is reset to 0 whenever LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS1/LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS2 is read.
    LIS3DSH_REG_STAT_SYNC1 - bit5: State machine 1 sync state
    0 - State machine 1 running normally
    1 - State machine 1 stopped and waiting for restart request from state machine 2
    LIS3DSH_REG_STAT_SYNC2 - bit4: State machine 2 sync state
    0 - State machine 2 running normally
    1 - State machine 2 stopped and waiting for restart request from state machine 1
    LIS3DSH_REG_STAT_INT_SM1 - bit3: State machine 1 interrupt state
    0 - No interrupt on state machine 1
    1 - State machine 1 interrupt occurred.
    The interrupt signal is reset when the LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS1 register is read.
    LIS3DSH_REG_STAT_INT_SM2 - bit2: State machine 2 interrupt state
    0 - No interrupt on state machine 2
    1 - State machine 2 interrupt occurred.
    The interrupt signal is reset when the LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS2 register is read.
    LIS3DSH_REG_STAT_DOR - bit1: The Data OverRun bit indicates when a new set of data has overwritten the previous set in the output registers.
    0 - No overrun
    1 - Data overrun
    The overrun bit is automatically cleared when data are read and no new data have been produced in the meantime.
    LIS3DSH_REG_STAT_DRDY - bit0: New data are ready in the output registers
    0 - Data not ready
    1 - Data ready

    CTRL1 configuration bits

    LIS3DSH_CTRL1_HYST1_x - bit 5-7: Hysteresis (unsigned value, default = 0) which is added or subtracted from the threshold values (THRS1_1 and THRS2_1) of State Machine 1. The hysteresis value is added or subtracted according to the condition to evaluate. (Use LIS3DSH_CTRL1_HYST1_0 to LIS3DSH_CTRL1_HYST1_7)
    LIS3DSH_CTRL1_SM1_PIN - bit3: Specifies to which interrupt pin the interrupt of the state machine 1 is routed.
    0 - State Machine 1 interrupt routed to INT1. (default)
    1 - State Machine 1 interrupt routed to INT2.
    LIS3DSH_CTRL1_SM1_EN - bit0: State of state machine 1
    0 - State Machine 1 disabled. Temporary memories and registers related to this state machine are left intact. (default)
    1 - State Machine 1 enabled.

    CTRL2 configuration bits

    LIS3DSH_CTRL2_HYST2_x - bit 5-7: Hysteresis (unsigned value, default = 0) which is added or subtracted from the threshold values (THRS1_2 and THRS2_2) of State Machine 2. The hysteresis value is added or subtracted according to the condition to evaluate. (Use LIS3DSH_CTRL2_HYST2_0 to LIS3DSH_CTRL2_HYST2_7)
    LIS3DSH_CTRL2_SM2_PIN - bit3: Specifies to which interrupt pin the interrupt of the state machine 2 is routed.
    0 - State Machine 2 interrupt routed to INT1. (default)
    1 - State Machine 2 interrupt routed to INT2.
    LIS3DSH_CTRL2_SM2_EN - bit0: State of state machine 1
    0 - State Machine 2 disabled. Temporary memories and registers related to this state machine are left intact. (default)
    1 - State Machine 2 enabled.

    CTRL3 configuration bits

    LIS3DSH_CTRL3_DR_EN - bit7: Data-ready interrupt enable
    0 - Data-ready interrupt disabled (default)
    1 - Data-ready interrupt enabled and routed to INT1
    LIS3DSH_CTRL3_IEA - bit6: Interrupt signal polarity
    0 - Interrupt signal active LOW (default)
    1 - Interrupt signal active HIGH.
    LIS3DSH_CTRL3_IEL - bit5: Interrupt signal latching
    0 - Interrupt signal latched (default)
    1 - Interrupt signal pulsed
    LIS3DSH_CTRL3_INT2_EN - bit4: Interrupt 2 enable/disable
    0 - INT2 signal disabled (High-Z state) (default)
    1 - INT2 signal enabled (signal pin fully functional).
    LIS3DSH_CTRL3_INT1_EN - bit3: Interrupt 2 enable/disable.
    0 - INT1/DRDY signal disabled (High-Z state) (default)
    1 - INT1/DRDY signal enabled (signal pin fully functional)
    DR_EN bit in CTRL3 register should be taken into account too.
    LIS3DSH_CTRL3_VFILT - bit2: Vector filter enable/disable.
    0 - Vector filter disabled (default)
    1 - Vector filter enabled
    LIS3DSH_CTRL3_STRT - bit0: Soft reset bit
    0 - No soft reset (default)
    1 - Resets the whole internal logic circuitry (POR function) when set to 1. It automatically returns to 0

    CTRL5 configuration bits

    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_BW_x - bit 6-7: Anti-aliasing filter bandwidth
    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_FSCALE_x - bit 3-5: Full-scale selection
    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_ST_x - bit 1-2: Self-test enable

    Anti-aliasing filter bandwidth (CTRL5, bit 6-7)

    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_BW_800HZ - (0 << 6): 800 Hz (default)
    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_BW_200HZ - (1 << 6): 200 Hz
    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_BW_400HZ - (2 << 6): 400 Hz
    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_BW_50 - (3 << 6): 50 Hz

    Full-scale selection (CTRL5, bit 3-5)

    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_FSCALE_2G - (0 << 3): ±2g (default)
    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_FSCALE_4G - (1 << 3): ±4g
    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_FSCALE_6G - (2 << 3): ±6g
    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_FSCALE_8G - (3 << 3): ±8g
    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_FSCALE_16G - (4 << 3): ±16g

    elf-test enable (CTRL5, bit 1-2)

    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_ST_NORMAL_MODE - (0 << 1): Normal mode (default)
    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_ST_POSITIV_SIGN - (1 << 1): Positive sign self-test
    LIS3DSH_CTRL5_ST_NEGATIVE_SIGN - (2 << 1): Not Allowed

    CTRL6 configuration bits

    LIS3DSH_CTRL6_BOOT - bit7: Force reboot
    0 - No reboot (default)
    1 - Force reboot, cleared as soon as the reboot is finished. Active high.
    LIS3DSH_CTRL6_FIFO_EN - bit6: FIFO enable
    0 - Disabled (default)
    1 - Enabeld
    LIS3DSH_CTRL6_WTM_EN - bit5: Stop on watermark - FIFO depth can be limited at the watermark value by setting to “1” the WTM_EN bit
    0 - Disabled (default)
    1 - Enabeld
    LIS3DSH_CTRL6_ADD_INC - bit4: Register address automatically increased during a multiple byte access with a serial interface (I2C or SPI).
    0 - Disabled
    1 - Enabeld (default)
    LIS3DSH_CTRL6_P1_EMPTY - bit3: Enable FIFO empty indication on INT1 pin.
    0 - Disabled (default)
    1 - Enabeld
    LIS3DSH_CTRL6_P1_WTM - bit2: FIFO watermark interrupt on INT1 pin.
    0 - Disabled (default)
    1 - Enabeld
    LIS3DSH_CTRL6_P1_OVERRUN - bit1: FIFO overrun interrupt on INT1 pin.
    0 - Disabled (default)
    1 - Enabeld
    LIS3DSH_CTRL6_P1_BOOT - bit0: Boot interrupt on INT2 pin.
    0 - Disabled (default)
    1 - Enabeld

    Status data register bits

    LIS3DSH_REG_STATUS_ZYXOR - bit7: X-, Y- and Z-axis data overrun
    0 - No overrun has occurred (default)
    1 - A new set of data has overwritten the previous set
    LIS3DSH_REG_STATUS_ZOR - bit6: Z-axis data overrun
    0 - No overrun has occurred (default)
    1 - New data for the Z-axis has overwritten the previous data
    LIS3DSH_REG_STATUS_YOR - bit5: Y-axis data overrun
    0 - No overrun has occurred (default)
    1 - New data for the Y-axis has overwritten the previous data
    LIS3DSH_REG_STATUS_XOR - bit4: X-axis data overrun
    0 - No overrun has occurred (default)
    1 - New data for the X-axis has overwritten the previous data
    LIS3DSH_REG_STATUS_ZYXDA - bit3: X-, Y- and Z-axis new data available
    0 - A new set of data is not yet available (default)
    1 - A new set of data is available
    LIS3DSH_REG_STATUS_ZDA - bit2: Z-axis new data available
    0 - New data for the Z-axis is not yet available (default)
    1 - New data for Z-axis is available
    LIS3DSH_REG_STATUS_YDA - bit1: Y-axis new data available
    0 - New data for the Y-axis is not yet available (default)
    1 - New data for Y-axis is available
    LIS3DSH_REG_STATUS_XDA - bit0: X-axis new data available
    0 - New data for the X-axis is not yet available (default)
    1 - New data for X-axis is available

    FIFO control register configuration bits

    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_CTRL_FM_x - bit 5-7: FIFO mode selection
    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_CTRL_WTMP_X - bit 0-4: FIFO watermark pointer; FIFO deep if the watermark is enabled (Use 0x00 t0 0x1F).

    FIFO mode selection (FIFO_CTRL, bit 5-7)

    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_CTRL_FM_BYPASS - (0 << 5): Bypass mode. FIFO turned off.
    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_CTRL_FM_FIFO - (1 << 5): FIFO mode. Stops collecting data when FIFO is full.
    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_CTRL_FM_STREAM - (2 << 5): Stream mode. If the FIFO is full, the new sample overwrites the older one (circular buffer).
    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_CTRL_FM_S_TO_F - (3 << 5): Stream mode until trigger is de-asserted, then FIFO mode.
    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_CTRL_FM_B_TO_S - (4 << 5): Bypass mode until trigger is de-asserted, then Stream mode.
    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_CTRL_FM_B_TO_F - (7 << 5): Bypass mode until trigger is de-asserted, then FIFO mode.

    FIFO SRC control register bits

    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_SRC_WTM - bit7: Watermark status
    0 - FIFO filling is lower than WTM level
    1 - FIFO filling is equal to or higher than WTM level
    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_SRC_OVRN_FIFO - bit6: Overrun bit status
    0 - FIFO is not completely filled
    1 - FIFO is completely filled
    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_SRC_EMPTY - bit5: FIFO empty bit status
    0 - FIFO not empty
    1 - FIFO empty
    LIS3DSH_REG_FIFO_SRC_FSS_MSK - bit 0-4: Number of samples stored in the FIFO - 1

    MASK1_B, MASK1_A, MASK2_B and MASK2_A register configuration bits

    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_P_X - bit7:
    0 - X+ disabled
    1 - X+ enabled
    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_N_X - bit6:
    0 - X- disabled
    1 - X- enabled
    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_P_Y - bit5:
    0 - Y+ disabled
    1 - Y+ enabled
    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_N_Y - bit4:
    0 - Y- disabled
    1 - Y- enabled
    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_P_Z - bit3:
    0 - Z+ disabled
    1 - Z+ enabled
    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_N_Z - bit2:
    0 - Z- disabled
    1 - Z- enabled
    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_P_V - bit1:
    0 - V+ disabled
    1 - V+ enabled
    LIS3DSH_REG_MASK_N_V - bit0:
    0 - V- disabled
    1 - V- enabled

    SETT1/SETT2 register configuration bits

    LIS3DSH_REG_SETT_P_DET - bit7: State machine peak detection
    0 - Peak detection disabled (default)
    1 - Peak detection enabled
    LIS3DSH_REG_SETT_THR3_SA - bit6: Enables the function that when the acceleration of any axis exceeds the THRS3 limit, the state machines is reset.
    0 - No action (default)
    1 - Threshold 3 enabled for axis and sign mask reset (MASKB_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_SETT_ABS - bit5: Specifies whether signed or unsigned thresholds are used
    0 - unsigned thresholds THRSx (thresholds are symmetric to the zero level) (default)
    1 - signed thresholds THRSx (thresholds are sign dependent )
    LIS3DSH_REG_SETT_RADI - bit4: Only available on SETT2
    0 - Raw data
    1 - Diff. data for State Machine 2
    LIS3DSH_REG_SETT_D_CS - bit3: Only available on SETT2
    0 - DIFF2 enabled (difference between current data and previous data)
    1 - Constant shift enabled (difference between current data and constant values)
    LIS3DSH_REG_SETT_THR3_MA - bit2: Enables the function that when the acceleration of any axis exceeds the THRS3 limit, the state machines is reset.
    0 - No action (default)
    1 - Threshold 3 enabled for axis and sign mask reset (MASKA_x)
    LIS3DSH_REG_SETT_R_TAM - bit1: Next condition validation flag
    0 - Mask frozen on the axis that triggers the condition (default)
    1 - Standard mask always evaluated
    0 - No action (default)
    1 - STOP and CONT state machine commands generate an interrupt and perform output actions as OUTC state machine command.

    PR1/PR2 register bits

    LIS3DSH_REG_PR_RP_MSK - bit 4-7: Reset pointer address
    LIS3DSH_REG_PR_PP_MSK - bit 0-3: Program pointer address

    OUTS1/OUTS2 register bits

    LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS_P_X - bit7:
    0 - X+ not shown
    1 - X+ shown
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS_N_X - bit6:
    0 - X- not shown
    1 - X- shown
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS_P_Y - bit5:
    0 - Y+ not shown
    1 - Y+ shown
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS_N_Y - bit4:
    0 - Y- not shown
    1 - Y- shown
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS_P_Z - bit3:
    0 - Z+ not shown
    1 - Z+ shown
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS_N_Z - bit2:
    0 - Z- not shown
    1 - Z- shown
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS_P_V - bit1:
    0 - V+ not shown
    1 - V+ shown
    LIS3DSH_REG_OUTS_N_V - bit0:
    0 - V- not shown
    1 - V- shown

    Available state machines

    LIS3DSH_STATE_MACHINE_1 - Use state machines 1
    LIS3DSH_STATE_MACHINE_2 - Use state machines 2

    State machine register offsets

    LIS3DSH_SM_TIM4 - (0x0) 8-bit unsigned initial value "TIM4_x" for Timer Counter x (TCx)
    LIS3DSH_SM_TIM3 - (0x1) 8-bit unsigned initial value "TIM3_x" for Timer Counter x (TCx)
    LIS3DSH_SM_TIM2_L - (0x2) Low byte of 16-bit unsigned initial value "TIM2_x" for Timer Counter x (TCx)
    LIS3DSH_SM_TIM2_H - (0x3) High byte of 16-bit unsigned initial value "TIM2_x" for Timer Counter x (TCx)
    LIS3DSH_SM_TIM1_L - (0x4) Low byte of 16-bit unsigned initial value "TIM1_x" for Timer Counter x (TCx)
    LIS3DSH_SM_TIM1_H - (0x5) High byte of 16-bit unsigned initial value "TIM1_x" for Timer Counter x (TCx)
    LIS3DSH_SM_THRS2 - (0x6) Threshold value 1 for state machine conditions. Data are in two’s complement.
    LIS3DSH_SM_THRS1 - (0x7) Threshold value 2 for state machine conditions. Data are in two’s complement.
    LIS3DSH_SM_DES - (0x8) Decimation counter value for state machine ( only for state machine 2 !)
    LIS3DSH_SM_MASK_B - (0x9) Axis and sign mask (swap) for state machine motion-detection operations.
    LIS3DSH_SM_MASK_A - (0xA) Axis and sign mask (swap) for state machine motion-detection operations.
    LIS3DSH_SM_SETT - (0xB) Setting of threshold, peak detection, and flags for state machine motion-detection operations.

    Contains state machine register information

    reg_ofs - Offset of a state machine register (LIS3DSH_SM_x)
    value - Value of a state machine register
    LIS3DSH_Read(handle[TLIS3DSH_Handle], iRegInfo, &iData)

    Reads register of LIS3DSH

    Use this function to read unsigned 8-Bit, signed 8-Bit, unsigned 16-Bit or signed 16-Bit registers of the LIS3DSH. The read data is unpacked according to the data type in the register information variable.
    handle : TLIS3DSH_Handle - Device handle of a specific LIS3DSH (Initialized by LIS3DSH_Init() )
    iRegInfo : s32 - Register information contains address and data type (Use LIS3DSH_REG_x)
    iData : s32 - Variable for storing the data read from the LIS3DSH
    returns : s32
    OK - if successful
    ERROR - if one of the following errors occurs
  • Register can only be accessed using LIS3DSH_ReadBuf or LIS3DSH_WriteBuf
  • The data type contained in iRegInfo is invalid
  • < OK - if another error occurs
    LIS3DSH_ReadBuf(handle[TLIS3DSH_Handle], iRegInfo, aData{}, iLen)

    Reads raw data from a number of LIS3DSH registers

    Use this function to read a defined number of registers from the LIS3DSH. The data is given back as packed array.
    handle : TLIS3DSH_Handle - Device handle of a specific LIS3DSH (Initialized by LIS3DSH_Init() )
    iRegInfo : s32 - Address of the register from which onwards the data should be read (Use LIS3DSH_REG_x)
    aData : {} - Byte array for storing the raw data read from the LIS3DSH
    iLen : s32 - Number of bytes to be read
    returns : s32
    OK - if successful
    ERROR - Number of bytes to be read >255
    < OK - if another error occurs
    LIS3DSH_Write(handle[TLIS3DSH_Handle], iRegInfo, iData)

    Writes register of LIS3DSH

    Use this function to write unsigned 8-Bit, signed 8-Bit, unsigned 16-Bit or signed 16-Bit registers of the LIS3DSH. The data to be written is packed according to the data type in the register information variable and sent to the sensor.
    handle : TLIS3DSH_Handle - Device handle of a specific LIS3DSH (Initialized by LIS3DSH_Init() )
    iRegInfo : s32 - Register information contains address and data type (Use LIS3DSH_REG_x)
    iData : s32 - Data to be packed and written to the LIS3DSH
    returns : s32
    OK - if successful
    ERROR - if one of the following errors occurs
  • Register can only be accessed using LIS3DSH_ReadBuf or LIS3DSH_WriteBuf
  • The data type contained in iRegInfo is invalid
  • < OK - if another error occurs
    LIS3DSH_WriteBuf(handle[TLIS3DSH_Handle], iRegInfo, aData{}, iLen)

    Writes a number of LIS3DSH registers

    Use this function to write a defined number of LIS3DSH registers. The data needs to be given to the function as a packed array
    handle : TLIS3DSH_Handle - Device handle of a specific LIS3DSH (Initialized by LIS3DSH_Init() )
    iRegInfo : s32 - Address of the register from which onwards the data should be written (Use LIS3DSH_REG_x)
    aData{} - Byte array containing the data to be written to the registers of the LIS3DSH
    iLen : s32 - Number of bytes to be written
    returns : s32
    OK - if successful
    ERROR - Number of bytes to be written >255
    < OK - if another error occurs
    LIS3DSH_ReadMeasurementRaw(handle[TLIS3DSH_Handle], &x, &y, &z)

    Reads raw acceleration data from the LIS3DSH

    The function reads and buffers the raw output values of X- Y- and Z-axis. Output data of one axis consists of two bytes. The rM2M_Pack() function provides access to packed data and allows to store the packed values in another variable. This stored data is accessed by reference.
    handle : TLIS3DSH_Handle - Device handle of a specific LIS3DSH (Initialized by LIS3DSH_Init() )
    x : s32 - Buffer for storing the X-axis raw value, unchanged if result < OK
    y : s32 - Buffer for storing the Y-axis raw value, unchanged if result < OK
    z : s32 - Buffer for storing the Z-axis raw value, unchanged if result < OK
    returns : s32
    OK - if successful
    < OK - if an error occurs
    LIS3DSH_LoadStateMachine(handle[TLIS3DSH_Handle], sm, code{16}, const init_regs[][TLIS3DSH_InitRegs])

    Enables state machine

    The function detects at first which state machine should be used (1 or 2) and initialises the associated register addresses. After disabling the state machine, the 16-byte code is handed over to the LIS3DSH_WriteBuf() function. Additional state machine registers are then also initialised. See the LIS3DSH datasheet for further information. When the process is finished, the state machine is enabled.

    To enable/disable the state machine the SMx_EN bit in the corresponding register (CTRL1 or CTRL2) is toggled. All other bits of the register remain unchanged.
    handle : TLIS3DSH_Handle - Device handle of a specific LIS3DSH (Initialized by LIS3DSH_Init() )
    sm : s32 - Indicates which of the two state machines should be enabled (Use LIS3DSH_STATE_MACHINE_x)
    code : {} - 16 step op-code which should be written to the LIS3DSH
    init_regs : [][TLIS3DSH_InitRegs] - Array of structures that contain additional state machine register information which should be written to the LIS3DSH
    As the number of array elements of the first level is variable, the array must be terminated with [-1, -1]. See example below.
    static aLIS3DSH_InitRegs[][TLIS3DSH_InitRegs] = [ [LIS3DSH_SM_THRS1, 0x02], [LIS3DSH_SM_MASK_B, 0xFC], [LIS3DSH_SM_MASK_A, 0xFC], [LIS3DSH_SM_SETT, 0x11], [-1, -1] ];
    returns : s32
    OK - if successful
    ERROR - Invalid state machine selected
    < OK - if another error occurs
    LIS3DSH_DisableStateMachine(handle[TLIS3DSH_Handle], sm)

    Disables state machine

    The function detects which state machine should be disabled and then clears the SMx_EN bit in the corresponding register (CTRL1 or CTRL2). All other bits of the register remain unchanged.

    handle : TLIS3DSH_Handle - Device handle of a specific LIS3DSH (Initialized by LIS3DSH_Init() )
    sm : s32 - Indicates which of the two state machines should be enabled (Use LIS3DSH_STATE_MACHINE_x)
    returns : s32
    OK - if successful
    ERROR - Invalid state machine selected
    < OK - if another error occurs

    On this page

    LIS3DSH - three-axis accelerometer