This library helps the user to handle multiple BLE peripheral connections at once. It requires the ble-scanner-app-mt library version 2 or higher.
The library introduces the concept of "peers". Peers are simply BLE peripheral devices which the BLE central wants to connect to.
The library provides high level functions which enable the user to configure how it should behave regarding scanning and connecting. This implies following workflow:
This library helps the user to handle multiple BLE peripheral connections at once. It requires the ble-scanner-app-mt library version 2 (TBD SiSo) or higher.
The library introduces the concept of "peers". Peers are simply BLE peripheral devices which the BLE central wants to connect to.
The library provides high level functions which enable the user to configure how it should behave regarding scanning and connecting. This implies following workflow when using the library:
Called when:
Called when a block of the requested data has been received.
Called if all requested data has been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. Read command has been finished)
Called when data has been successfully written to the characteristic of a peer or an error has occurred while writing the data.
Called when the software of the peer changes the content of a characteristic for which notification was enabled previously.
Called if an internal error has occured
Called when a BLE RSSI has received.
Called if BLE RSSIhas been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. GetRSSI command has been finished)
BLE Connection Manager library OK Results
BLE Connection Manager library Errors Codes
Changes of the connection status of a peer that can lead to calling the "BleConMngr_EvtConnected()" function
Filter typs for scanning for a peer
Configuration of a peer
Status information about a peer
Initializes the BLE Connection Manager
Adds a filter to the passed peer configuration.
Clears all filters of the passed peer configuration.
Sets the scan and connect params for the passed peer configuration.
Registers a peer for management by the BLE Connection Manager. The peer is assigned to a free slot for this purpose.
Initiates the connection to a previously registered peer.
Get status information about a peer
Reads data from a specific characteristic of a peer
Writes data to a specific characteristic of a peer
Initiates the disconnection from a peer
Unregisters a previously registered peer.
Closes the BLE Connection Manager
Gets the BLE RSSI of a peer
Max. size of the filter config for a specific peer (default 32 bytes)
Size (in bytes) of the HW address of a peer
States of the Peer
Flags of the peer.
Change BLE connection interval for a peer.
Signalize that the authentication procedure is done.