This library provides functions to access the BLE Scanner App. The BLE Scanner App is a firmware developed by Microtronics that is installed on BLE modules integrated in Microtronics devices. It provides a set of AT commands for BLE functionality (e.g. 'at+scan' to scan for BLE Peripherals).
Initializes the handle for a BLE Scanner App interface of the device
Enables a BLE Scanner App interface
Disables a BLE Scanner App interface
Get current operation state of a BLE Scanner App interface
BLE module information available
Called if an internal error has occured
Initializes the handle for a BLE Scanner App interface of the device
Enables a BLE Scanner App interface
Disables a BLE Scanner App interface
Get current operation state of a BLE Scanner App interface
BLE module information available
Called if an internal error has occured
Initializes the handle for a BLE Scanner App interface of the device
Enables a BLE Scanner App interface
Disables a BLE Scanner App interface
Get current operation state of a BLE Scanner App interface
BLE module information available
Called if an internal error has occured
Initializes the handle for a BLE Scanner App interface of the device
Enables a BLE Scanner App interface
Disables a BLE Scanner App interface
Get current operation state of a BLE Scanner App interface
BLE module information available
Called if an internal error has occured
Initializes the handle for a BLE Scanner App interface of the device
Enables a BLE Scanner App interface
Disables a BLE Scanner App interface
Get current operation state of a BLE Scanner App interface
BLE module information available
Called if an internal error has occured
Initiates the Scan for BLE peripherals
Called every time a BLE peripheral was found.
Types for BLE scan
BLE address types
BLE scan information
Called when the scan operation has finished
Initiates the connection to a BLE peripheral
Initiates the disconnection from a BLE peripheral
Called when:
Writes data to a specific characteristic of a BLE peripheral
Called when data has been successfully written to the characteristic of a BLE peripheral or an error has occurred while writing the data.
Reads data from a specific characteristic of a BLE peripheral
Called when a block of the requested data has been received.
Called if all requested data has been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. Read command has been finished)
Gets the BLE RSSI of a BLE peripheral
Called when a BLE RSSI has received.
Called if BLERSSIhas been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. GetRSSI command has been finished)
Called when the software of the BLE peripheral changes the content of a characteristic for which notification was enabled previously.
Get connection state for a specific BLE peripheral
Change connection intervall
Retrieve identification of BLE chip
Initiates the Scan for BLE peripherals
Called every time a BLE peripheral was found.
Types for BLE scan
BLE address types
BLE scan information
Called when the scan operation has finished
Initiates the connection to a BLE peripheral
Initiates the disconnection from a BLE peripheral
Called when:
Writes data to a specific characteristic of a BLE peripheral
Called when data has been successfully written to the characteristic of a BLE peripheral or an error has occurred while writing the data.
Reads data from a specific characteristic of a BLE peripheral
Called when a block of the requested data has been received.
Called if all requested data has been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. Read command has been finished)
Gets the BLE RSSI of a BLE peripheral
Called when a BLE RSSI has received.
Called if BLERSSIhas been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. GetRSSI command has been finished)
Called when the software of the BLE peripheral changes the content of a characteristic for which notification was enabled previously.
Get connection state for a specific BLE peripheral
Change connection intervall
Retrieve identification of BLE chip
Initiates the Scan for BLE peripherals
Called every time a BLE peripheral was found.
Types for BLE scan
BLE address types
BLE scan information
Called when the scan operation has finished
Initiates the connection to a BLE peripheral
Initiates the disconnection from a BLE peripheral
Called when:
Writes data to a specific characteristic of a BLE peripheral
Called when data has been successfully written to the characteristic of a BLE peripheral or an error has occurred while writing the data.
Reads data from a specific characteristic of a BLE peripheral
Called when a block of the requested data has been received.
Called if all requested data has been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. Read command has been finished)
Gets the BLE RSSI of a BLE peripheral
Called when a BLE RSSI has received.
Called if BLERSSIhas been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. GetRSSI command has been finished)
Called when the software of the BLE peripheral changes the content of a characteristic for which notification was enabled previously.
Get connection state for a specific BLE peripheral
Change connection intervall
Retrieve identification of BLE chip
Initiates the Scan for BLE peripherals
Called every time a BLE peripheral was found.
Types for BLE scan
BLE address types
BLE scan information
Called when the scan operation has finished
Initiates the connection to a BLE peripheral
Initiates the disconnection from a BLE peripheral
Called when:
Writes data to a specific characteristic of a BLE peripheral
Called when data has been successfully written to the characteristic of a BLE peripheral or an error has occurred while writing the data.
Reads data from a specific characteristic of a BLE peripheral
Called when a block of the requested data has been received.
Called if all requested data has been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. Read command has been finished)
Gets the BLE RSSI of a BLE peripheral
Called when a BLE RSSI has received.
Called if BLERSSIhas been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. GetRSSI command has been finished)
Called when the software of the BLE peripheral changes the content of a characteristic for which notification was enabled previously.
Get connection state for a specific BLE peripheral
Change connection intervall
Retrieve identification of BLE chip
Initiates the Scan for BLE peripherals
Called every time a BLE peripheral was found.
Types for BLE scan
BLE address types
BLE scan information
Called when the scan operation has finished
Initiates the connection to a BLE peripheral
Initiates the disconnection from a BLE peripheral
Called when:
Writes data to a specific characteristic of a BLE peripheral
Called when data has been successfully written to the characteristic of a BLE peripheral or an error has occurred while writing the data.
Reads data from a specific characteristic of a BLE peripheral
Called when a block of the requested data has been received.
Called if all requested data has been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. Read command has been finished)
Gets the BLE RSSI of a BLE peripheral
Called when a BLE RSSI has received.
Called if BLERSSIhas been received or if an error has occurred while reading the data (i.e. GetRSSI command has been finished)
Called when the software of the BLE peripheral changes the content of a characteristic for which notification was enabled previously.
Get connection state for a specific BLE peripheral
Change connection intervall
Retrieve identification of BLE chip
Adds a primary service
Called when the primary service has been successfully added and returns the service handle of the added primary service
Possible characteristic flags
Adds a R/W characteristic
Called when the characteristic has been successfully added and returns the handle of the added characteristic
Sets the content of a characteristic characteristic
BLE advertising configuration
Possible advertising types
Start advertising
Called when start advertising command has been processed.
Called when:
Called when data has been written to a characteristic by a BLE central device.
Adds a primary service
Called when the primary service has been successfully added and returns the service handle of the added primary service
Possible characteristic flags
Adds a R/W characteristic
Called when the characteristic has been successfully added and returns the handle of the added characteristic
Sets the content of a characteristic characteristic
BLE advertising configuration
Possible advertising types
Start advertising
Called when start advertising command has been processed.
Called when:
Called when data has been written to a characteristic by a BLE central device.
Adds a primary service
Called when the primary service has been successfully added and returns the service handle of the added primary service
Possible characteristic flags
Adds a R/W characteristic
Called when the characteristic has been successfully added and returns the handle of the added characteristic
Sets the content of a characteristic characteristic
BLE advertising configuration
Possible advertising types
Start advertising
Called when start advertising command has been processed.
Called when:
Called when data has been written to a characteristic by a BLE central device.
BLE Scanner App interfaces available for the selected device profile.
Possible operation state of a BLE Scanner App interface
Internal error codes
BLE Scanner App interfaces available for the selected device profile.
Possible operation state of a BLE Scanner App interface
Internal error codes
BLE Scanner App interfaces available for the selected device profile.
Possible operation state of a BLE Scanner App interface
Internal error codes
BLE Scanner App interfaces available for the selected device profile.
Possible operation state of a BLE Scanner App interface
Internal error codes
BLE Scanner App interfaces available for the selected device profile.
Possible operation state of a BLE Scanner App interface
Internal error codes
Max. Number of simultaneous BLE connections (Default = 5)
Max. Number of queue entries for the command queue (Default = 10)
Max. size of one queue entry (Default = 128).
UART buffer settings
Max. number of pending commands (Default = 5)
ASCII line size buffer for receive. (Default = 128)
Number of characters within ASCII command buffer (Default = 128)
Max. BLEAPP_READ_CALLBACK data size (Default = 32)
Max. BLEAPP_NOTIFY_CALLBACK data size (Default = 32)
Default command timeout [ms], except for connect, disconnect and scan (Default = 5000)
Default connect and disconnect timeout [ms] (Default = 10000)
Default scan timeout (Default = 30000)
Timeout until command must be echoed [ms] (Default = 3000)
Max. Number of simultaneous BLE connections (Default = 5)
Max. Number of queue entries for the command queue (Default = 10)
Max. size of one queue entry (Default = 128).
UART buffer settings
Max. number of pending commands (Default = 5)
ASCII line size buffer for receive. (Default = 128)
Number of characters within ASCII command buffer (Default = 128)
Max. BLEAPP_READ_CALLBACK data size (Default = 32)
Max. BLEAPP_NOTIFY_CALLBACK data size (Default = 32)
Default command timeout [ms], except for connect, disconnect and scan (Default = 5000)
Default connect and disconnect timeout [ms] (Default = 10000)
Default scan timeout (Default = 30000)
Timeout until command must be echoed [ms] (Default = 3000)
Max. Number of simultaneous BLE connections (Default = 3)
Max. Number of queue entries for the command queue (Default = 10)
Max. size of one queue entry (Default = 128).
Max. Number of simultaneous BLE connections (Default = 5)
Max. Number of queue entries for the command queue (Default = 10)
Max. size of one queue entry (Default = 128).
Sends RAW AT-commands to BLE module
Called when a block of STRING/ASCII response data has been received.
Called if all STRING/ASCII response data has been received (i.e. AT-Command finished successfully) or if an error has occurred (i.e. AT-Command failed)
Max. Number of simultaneous BLE connections (Default = 5)
Max. Number of queue entries for the command queue (Default = 10)
Max. size of one queue entry (Default = 128).
UART buffer settings
Max. number of pending commands (Default = 5)
ASCII line size buffer for receive. (Default = 128)
Number of characters within ASCII command buffer (Default = 128)
Max. BLEAPP_READ_CALLBACK data size (Default = 32)
Max. BLEAPP_NOTIFY_CALLBACK data size (Default = 32)
Default command timeout [ms], except for connect, disconnect and scan (Default = 5000)
Default connect and disconnect timeout [ms] (Default = 10000)
Default scan timeout (Default = 30000)
Timeout until command must be echoed [ms] (Default = 3000)