SDI-12 Library


Basic library for the SDI12 add on of the rapidM2MEasy IoT hardware platform.


This library adds the support for the SDI-12 add on for the rapidM2M EasyIoT. Right now concurrent measurements aren't supported.
Supported rapidM2M hardware platforms:
  • rapidM2M EasyIoT
    • Firmware: 01v027 and higher
If you use this library in your IoT app, you should specify the minimum required version of the firmware under "required HW & FW" in the project settings.
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * sdi12-microtronics: Basic Config * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Use this block to adapt the basic configuration settings: * * Note: If you want to support more than 10 sensors or use * addresses outside of the normal address range ('0'-'9') * SDI12_EXTENDED_ADDRESS_RANGE must be set to 1 * The extended address range is 'A'-'Z' and 'a'-'z' */ #define SDI12_SENSOR_CNT_MAX 1 // Maximum number of connected sensors #define SDI12_EXTENDED_ADDRESS_RANGE 0 // Use extended address range /** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * sdi12-microtronics: Debug Config * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Use this block to configure the debug mode: * * 0: No outputs * 1: Extended debug output */ #define SDI12_DEBUG 0
#define FLAG_SENSOR_FOUND 0x01 #define FLAG_SCANNING 0x02 #define FLAG_MEASURING 0x04 static sApp_Vars[.iFlags, .iSensorAddress]; new iSdi12Handle; SDI12_EvtResponse(iHandle, iSensorAddr, iEvent, iResult, const aData{}, iLen) { if(iSdi12Handle != iHandle) return; switch(iEvent) { case SDI12_EVT_SCAN_FINISHED: { if(iResult >= OK) { if(iLen > 0) { sApp_Vars.iSensorAddress = aData{0}; sApp_Vars.iFlags |= FLAG_SENSOR_FOUND; #log("Sensor with address %c found", aData{0}); } else { #log("No sensor found"); } } else { #log("Scan failed"); } sApp_Vars.iFlags &= ~FLAG_SCANNING; } case SDI12_EVT_DATA_READY: { new Float:aRes[9]; if(iResult >= OK) { new iNumOfResults = SDI12_GetReceivedData(iSdi12Handle, iSensorAddr, aRes, 9); for(new i = 0; i < iNumOfResults; i++) { #watch("%c:Res%d=%f", iSensorAddr, i, aRes[i]); } } else { #log("Error while starting measurement or reading data from sensor"); } } } } #callback MainTimer1s() { if(!(sApp_Vars.iFlags & FLAG_SENSOR_FOUND || sApp_Vars.iFlags & FLAG_SCANNING)) { SDI12_Scan(iSdi12Handle); sApp_Vars.iFlags |= FLAG_SCANNING; } else if(!(sApp_Vars.iFlags & FLAG_MEASURING)) { if(SDI12_Measure(iSdi12Handle, sApp_Vars.iSensorAddress) >= OK) sApp_Vars.iFlags |= FLAG_MEASURING; } } main() { SDI12_Init(iSdi12Handle, SDI12_INTERFACE_1); sApp_Vars.iFlags = 0; sApp_Vars.iSensorAddress = -1; setInterval(MainTimer1s, 1000); }


SDI12_Init(&iHandle, iInterface)

Initialises the specified interface to use for SDI-12 communication.

iHandle : s32 - Empty iHandle for a SDI-12 communication interface
iInterface : s32 - Serial interface that should be used for the SDI-12 communication (use SDI12_INTERFACE_x)
returns : Terror
OK - if successful
ERROR - if
interface already initialized
interface not supported
ERROR_FEATURE_LOCKED - if the specified interface on the device is not released
< OK - if an error occured
When using SDI12 a callback function must be added to DLO which must be named SDI12_EvtResponse.

Closes the specified interface to use for SDI-12 communication.

iHandle : s32 - Handle for a SDI-12 communication interface to close
returns : Terror
OK - if successful
ERROR - if interface not supported
ERROR_FEATURE_LOCKED - if the specified interface on the device is not released
< OK - if an error occured

Starts a scan of all addresses till either SDI12_SENSOR_CNT_MAX sensors were found or the maximum address was reached. If SDI12_EXTENDED_ADDRESS_RANGE is set to 1 the normal as well as the extended address ranges are scanned, else only the normal address range.

iHandle : s32 - Handle for the SDI-12 communication interface
returns : Terror
OK - if successful
< OK - if an error occured
The normal address range is '0'-'9'
The extended address range is 'A'-'Z' and 'a'-'z'
After the scan has finished the DLO is informed via SDI12_EvtResponse with the event type SDI12_EVT_SCAN_FINISHED. aData contains the addresses of the found sensors and iLen the number of found sensors.
SDI12_Measure(iHandle, iAddr)

Sends "Start Measurement" to the sensor with the given address.

iHandle : s32 - Handle for the SDI-12 communication interface
iAddr : s32 - Address of the sensor to send the command to
returns : Terror
OK - if successful
ERROR_FEATURE_LOCKED - if the specified interface on the device is not released
< OK - if an error occured
After the measurement finished and the data was received the DLO is informed via SDI12_EvtResponse with the event type SDI12_EVT_DATA_READY. To get the data SDI12_GetReceivedData must be called.
SDI12_GetReceivedData(iHandle, iSensorAddr, aResult[], iMaxNum)

Get the latest received measured data from the specified sensor

iHandle : s32 - Handle for the SDI-12 communication interface
iSensorAddr : s32 - Address of the sensor to get the data from
aResult : Float - Variable to store the received data
iMaxNum : s32 - Number of maximum results to return
returns : Terror
>= OK - Number of results returned
< OK - if an error occured
SDI12_EvtResponse(iHandle, iSensorAddr, iEvent, iResult, const aData{}, iLen)
Function to be provided by the device logic developer, that is called when certain SDI-12 events happen.
iHandler : s32 - Handle of the SDI-12 communication interface on which the event happened
iSensorAddr : u8 - Address of the sensor where the event happened
In case of the event SDI12_EVT_SCAN_FINISHED this address is allways 0.
iEvent : SDI12_EVT_xxx - SDI12 event type
iResult : Terror - Result of the operation
OK - Command successfull
OK - if an error occured
aData{} : u8 - Data depending on the event
iLen : s32 - Length of the data
SDI12_EVT_SCAN_FINISHED = 0 - Scan for connected sensors has finished
SDI12_EVT_DATA_READY = 1 - All data received from the sensor

Serial interface of the device that can be used for SDI-12 communication

SDI12_INTERFACE_1 = 0 - first RS232 interface
SDI12_INTERFACE_CNT = 1 - Number of usable serial interfaces

On this page

SDI-12 Library